Although cockroaches and termites are little insects, most prefer a cockroach infestation over the latter. This is because termites are notorious for damaging homes, frequently destroying wood structures while feeding. What, then, do termites consume? And speaking of the eating habits of termites, how do they do it? Read on to learn more about how they consume wood. 


How Do Termites Digest Food

Termites have powerful mouthparts that allow them to chew and swallow food quickly. The bacteria found in termites’ stomachs allow them to consume cellulose. By creating a specific enzyme that naturally breaks down cellulose, bacteria, and protozoa establish a cooperative connection with the pests. Termites consume sugar as food after digesting the cellulose. Additionally, certain termite species prefer wood that has already undergone microbial decay since it is simpler for them to eat.


What Do Termites Eat

Termites are known to consume wood. However, termites have also been observed to consume other materials. Termites are drawn to cellulose, the most prevalent organic substance in nature. It is the main component of the products we use every day and is found in all plants. Termites consume these substances to obtain the cellulose they require. These pests also consume things like:

  • Plants
  • Grasses
  • Cotton fibers
  • Paper products
  • Fungi
  • Mulch
  • Roots
  • Termite Feces


Different Types Of Termites And Their Wood Preferences

Although termites aren’t inherently picky eaters, you might be surprised to hear that various species have specific preferences regarding the kinds of wood they will consume.


Dry Wood Termites

Dry wood termites prefer decks, fences, furniture, and other wooden portions of the house that remain dry. Homeowners can unintentionally acquire these termites from lumberyards and other locations that store and sell wood. 


Subterranean Termites

The softer springwood fibers are particularly tasty to subterranean termites, who prefer to skip over the tougher summerwood. Subterranean termites consume wood that looks like a honeycomb and contains feces and dirt in many of its galleries.


Dampwood Termites

The colony of termites that prefer moist wood is known as the damp wood termites; decaying trees, slumps, and logs are what they mainly eat. Dampwood termites are also less like to be found in building and home structures. 


What Wood Do Termites Avoid

Termites prefer to eat cellulose in other wood forms and are less drawn to some types of wood than others. Termites avoid certain types of wood, such as:

  • Heartwood
  • Pressure-treated plywood and timber
  • Teak
  • Redwood
  • Bamboo
  • Cypress
  • Cedar


Protect your home with Bingham Pest Control

It is concerning to have termites in the house and to have an infestation. There are many ways to stop them from seriously damaging your home. The best method to prevent termite damage, though, is to seek the assistance of pest control professionals like Bingham Pest Control.

At Bingham Pest Control, we offer top-notch pest control solutions that will effectively address any pest issues you may be having in your house. We can evaluate your property and make sure pests are removed before they may do more severe damage. Make an appointment with us today and find out more about our pest and termite treatment services.
